Rha Goddess is THE entrepreneurial soul coach behind hundreds of breakthrough changemakers, cultural visionaries, and social entrepreneurs. Her mission? To revolutionize the way we live, work, play and do business.  In 2011 Rha founded Move The Crowd, an entrepreneurial training company dedicated to creative and cultural entrepreneurs working at the intersection of values, profitability and social impact. Since its inception, Move The Crowd has helped launch and scale luminaries like Gabrielle Bernstein, Reshma Saujani, Alisa Vitti, Anurag Gupta, Imara Jones, Daisy Dominguez,  Heather Box and Bree Jones among others. 

From the onset of her more than 30-year career as a cultural innovator, social impact strategist and creative change agent, Rha has drawn on the power of creativity, culture, and community to move hearts, minds and policy. As an internationally acclaimed performance artist and activist, Rha’s work focused on issues of racial justice and equality, electoral politics, offender aid and restoration, mental health, youth and women’s empowerment, and contributed to initiatives that impacted millions of lives.

While working on the frontlines, Rha developed a unique perspective about effective leadership and cultivated a transformative approach to empowering individuals, teams, organizations and communities working for change. Rha has leveraged this approach to support leadership development and organizational transformation initiatives for: Fidelity, KBL- Eisner, AICPA, Harris & Rothenberg International, Girls Who Code, The Ford Foundation, The Leeway Foundation, The Embrey Foundation, Omega Institute, The Center for Court Innovation, NY Cares, NY Foundation for the Arts and more.

In 2020 Rha Goddess and Deepa Purushothaman created nFormation. nFormation is a first-of-its-kind community created by women of color for women of color. It is a vetted, membership-based platform  for high-performing WOC that seeks to reimagine traditional power.  In 2022 building on the success of nFormation, Rha launched Born To Shine, a high level mastermind dedicated to elevating the visions and innovations of WOC entrepreneurs and leaders who are rising to meet this unique moment in their life and leadership with greater vision, courage, agency and permission.